The first tip/trick I used was filtered water rather than tap water. Less impurities in the water makes for a happy nail polish & H2O relationship :). To make sure my water was perfectly room temperature I let it sit out in my bowl all day.
The next important factor is the nail polish. It has to be spreadable and not dry fast. I originally wanted silver in this design but I noticed it dried too quickly in the water and didn't spread well. It actually affected the other polishes in the water and made it hard to work with.
In my experience the best polishes for this technique are opaque in 1-2 coats with a bit of a runny formula. For this design I used Sephora by O.P.I My Personal Serpent and Wet n Wild megalast I Red A Good Book. I hope these tips, some I learned from my own trail and error the rest from different bloggers and tutorials, were helpful. I'm actually inspired to try another water marble design. Very excited to try it and see if it works out :)
What I Used:
- Sephora by O.P.I My Personal Serpent
- Wet n Wild megalast I Red A Good Book
- Wet n Wild Kaleidoscope
- Wet n Wild French White Creme (base)
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